Some of Our Latest Work
Below are some projects that we have completed and delivered for past clients.
Some of our past projects may have limited information or images due to confidentiality agreements with our clients.
We would love to show you all the cool stuff we do, but we also respect our clients' wishes for their sensitive projects.

Pix2Net Cloud Overlay
Industry: Scientific
Technologies: Unity, C#, WebGL, REST APIs
Delivered: Oct 2020
Pix2Net is CAD software for electrical engineering that assists with the reverse engineering of microchips. Images of a microprocessor are taken with a scanning electron microscope and then various tools allow an engineer to identify metal traces and logic circuits.
Inflatable Studios was contracted to produce a web-based viewer for Pix2Net that would integrate with their cloud architecture. The application is similar to Google Maps and allows the operator to navigate the images of the microchip like a map while performing actions, and dynamically load the source images as required.

Fissile Material Accountancy System
Industry: Nuclear
Technologies: C#, WPF, SQL
Delivered: Nov 2022
The Fissile Material Accountancy System (FMAS) is a data entry and reporting application for tracking fissile material as it is removed from a standpipe and is packaged to be sent to another facility. The software was produced for the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in conjunction with Pajarito Scientific Corporation, who also produced the radioactivity sensing instrumentation.
The software had several strict requirements for the tracking of accountancy data and had to pass rigorous testing before being put into service. It is installed in an operator station at the waste facility.

Material Analysis Project
Industry: Scientific
Technologies: Python, C++, C#, Unity, distributed computing
Delivered: In Work, expected Q1 2024
An undisclosed client is currently developing a system for performing highly precise material composition and origin analysis using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and various emerging technologies.
Inflatable Studios has been contracted to provide the primary software development and project engineering for the program. We are also providing graphic design and network security services. We are thrilled to be working with our client on such an exciting project.

JBOT Receiver Aircraft Models
Industry: Military Simulation
Technologies: Maya, OpenFlight, C++
Delivered: Jan 2023
The Japan Boom Operator Trainer (JBOT) is an aerial refueling simulation trainer in use by the Japanese air force (JASDF) for training on their KC-767 tanker aircraft. The trainer has been in use for many years and received a software update in early 2023.
Inflatable Studios was contracted through ACME Worldwide (the developer of the trainer) to provide new 3D models for F-35 and KC-46 aircraft. We produced the models, converted them to the industry-standard OpenFlight format, and integrated the new models with ACME's trainer software.

In-Processing Automation
Industry: Scientific
Technologies: Unity, C#, Java, AWS
Delivered: Jun 2022
An undisclosed client contacted Inflatable Studios for help with process automation for the identification and labeling of scientific samples. Their process was very manual and time-consuming, requiring frequent manual use input and hand-writing.
Inflatable Studios designed a implemented a new process workflow and several pieces of software to help automate the process. We were able to use software systems to automate equipment, rigidly track sample-related data, and save records in a cloud-based data system. The client has reported a process speed up of 8-10x.